Sunday, September 22, 2013

For the Love and Hate of Television: Ethan Petraitis

I don't watch that much TV. I't's an odd statement to hear coming from someone who doesn't really do anything other than look at a screen all day, but it's true, discounting of course those 10 minutes after I get home and just NEED more than anything to lay down on the couch and watch the end of an episode of 'Fast 'n Loud'. This being said, I do enjoy TV shows. Most of the television programming I would watch I can't even get on my own tv, so I have to go and actively seek it out online to even watch it, shows like Community, Doctor Who, and basically anything on the science channel or H2. Shows that actually have a deeper meaning, historical insight, or really any thought put into them at all. TV can be a great mean of entertainment, but not this 'Amish-Toddler-Moonshine-Mafia' stuff. I just don't want to feel like I'm wasting my time watching meaningless programming, I want to feel like I benefited in some way from spending twenty minutes looking at a screen. Not only does watching shows like 'Toddlers in Tiaras' not give me any insight into my own life, seeing all of those advertisements would just make me feel even worse since all they do is tell you 'You're not good enough'. I would much rather stay positive and watch things (without advertisements) that I can actually feel good about watching.

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