Sunday, September 8, 2013

Assignment 3 - Angela Tseng

      I don't believe you can have something that is entirely evil or entirely good, after all our world isn't perfect in the slightest. To help show what I mean, here's a very vague example. If a robber broke into the house of an innocent old lady who was out playing bingo and stole a block of her homemade cheese, you would think that he was a bad person, right? But what if that cheese was expired and by stealing it, he actually saved the old lady because she would then not be able to eat it? And then the old lady came home and found the robber in her house with her cheese and decided to shoot him to scare him away but ended up killing him. Then the once good old lady suddenly becomes not all so good because while trying to protect herself, her house and her property she killed a person. therefore, there's not really such thing as a completely good or bad people, although there is certainly an in between where all of us lie as imperfect humans.

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